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5 Ways to Improve Your Facebook Business Page

Jan 14,2023, 9:34 PM| Updated 452 days ago

Jan 24, 2023

Facebook has over a billion users. These are real life people who consume goods and use services. A portion of these are your clients or prospective clients. With so many people out there wanting what you have to offer, your Facebook business page can be a great marketing tool… if you actually use it. Here are 6 ideas you can use to get more results from your Facebook business page.

  1. Make nice with other pages. Interacting with other pages that speak to a similar audience can be a great way to spread your influence. You’d be surprised how often another page will show yours some love when you say nice things about them and reply to their posts from your page. What comes around goes around so like and tag their pages from time to time and enjoy the cross promotion.

  2. Run a contest or take a poll. People love winning free stuff, and they also like to feel like they’re helping brands and businesses they care about. Are you trying to decide which color to make your next line of widgets in? Ask your audience for a quick poll and let them take part in the process. Either way, we’re looking for interaction. Ask them to interact and this will keep them awake to your messages as well as increase the number of people who see your posts. As you might know, Facebook hides posts of businesses with low engagement rates. Using an engagement bait method like this will boost your numbers and Facebook will like you more as a result.

Make sure your call to action button works. This is referring to the button inside the bottom-right of your cover photo. Hopefully, you’ve set it up. Test it and make sure it goes to where it’s supposed to go to. You’d be surprised how many businesses have changed the URL of a page it’s pointing to so that it no longer works even if people want to know more. A tested button is a working button.

  1. Network your social networks. Most people belong to one or more social networks. By posting your Instagram pictures to Facebook, you might bring new followers to your Instagram feed who saw you on Facebook. If your followers care enough to follow you on multiple social medias, then you’re getting way closer to a sale and much better overall engagement.

  2. Show some behind-the-scenes photos. People want to work with companies they can identify with. If they don’t see that you’re real people, then they might just move on to work with a more ‘human’ company. Showing some employee shots or videos, or even images of you making your product can go a long way towards building rapport.

These are some ideas for immediate improvement to your Facebook business page, but in the long run, you’ll need to strategize your marketing and social media plan in order to truly maximize your results. Talk with a social media marketer, make a plan together, and most of all implement consistently. Contact us to learn more!

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