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How to Use Images to Boost Your Conversion Rates

Jan 14,2023, 9:34 PM| Updated 458 days ago

Jan 18, 2023

People experience the world through their senses. When they shop at a brick and mortar store, they touch and view the merchandise from different angles while background music is playing. In such a situation, the store is experienced through at least three senses. Engagement of the senses is also why people prefer web pages with images over those with pure text. It’s more of an experience. And this is an effective method to increase your conversion rates as well.

In spite of this fact and the powerful influence that images exert over people, few websites use images to their full potential particularly when it comes to improving conversion rates. Below are five tips for improving your conversions by using the power of images.

Images Should Show What You Are Selling

Superficially, this bit of advice seems obvious yet many people miss the mark and simply use a product image. However, marketers understand that often it isn’t the physical object that people subconsciously want but its benefits and the way those benefits affect their lives.

For example, people spend money on golf clubs to improve their game and enhance their social standing with their golf partners. It’s these benefits that the merchant should sell with his images. In addition to a flattering image of the club, the merchant should include an image of a player elated at winning a game. Although people will spend time viewing the golf club image to get a better idea of what they’re buying, the other image will nevertheless exert its subconscious influence.

Use High Quality Images

People evaluate the quality of things by their appearance and rely on your image to evaluate the product. A low quality image makes everything within it including its subject appear low quality. A high quality product image creates the perception of a high quality product. When taking your own images, pay close attention to the background because it too affects perception. A photo of a couch with a junkyard in the background conveys a different impression than of the same couch inside a beautiful home.

Bigger Is Better

Larger images improve conversions because larger things grab attention. People also spend more time viewing them because more detail can be seen. This increased attention and viewing time improves the odds of a purchase.

More Is Better

Several views and close up shots of a product gives the consumer a better idea about the product’s features. This simulates the process of examining a product from different angles in a store.

Use Faces

Faces improve conversions for a number of reasons. The human face draws attention and also directs it. The brain is wired to give priority to a human face above all else in an image. We are also “programmed” to look at whatever someone else is viewing. You can use these two human tendencies to good effect by using an image of someone looking at your call to action. This first draws the person’s attention to the face and then shifts his focus to the call to action. It effectively does the same thing as a big arrow pointing to your call to action but is more subtle and effective.

Because of human empathy, faces showing emotion causes the viewer to feel similar emotions. This is why images of happy people improve conversion rates because people are more likely to make purchases when they’re in a good mood. A face used in the right context also engenders trust. Business websites that include a photo of the business owner convert better than those that don’t. People relate more easily to and trust those they have seen.

If you haven’t been using your images in a deliberate way to increase conversions, use the above tips. They are a simple and inexpensive way to improve your profits. For more information about improving conversion rates and your marketing, contact us today.

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