Growth Driven Design

What Is
Growth Driven Design

It’s how our clients get better results.

Let’s Start with the Problem:
Traditional Design is Broken

The problem with traditional design or big design is that it requires your website design team to make hundreds of decisions. How many pages to build, what graphics to use, when and where to deploy video, organization of content, lead magnets, and much more. Our experience lends us a more educated opinion, but ultimately, we end up making hundreds of untested best guesses which your visitors may or may not respond to.

Budgets often get cut short so your website ends up missing many elements that may have been effective, and without actually measuring the effectiveness of anything over time, you may have poor-performing pages that sit there until your next design overhaul in a couple of years. As designers, we do our best, but traditional design without visitor reaction data is like driving with no headlights.

Here’s what we believe:

  • We believe your website should always get better
  • We believe in focusing on what matters most
  • We believe in growing businesses, not selling band-aids
  • We believe website redesigns don’t have to be frustrating

There’s a smarter way.
It’s called Growth-Driven Design

How Is Growth-Driven Design Different?

Use Data to Make Better Decisions

Growth Driven Design minimizes the risks of traditional Big Design. We reduce these risks by shortening the time to launch, and reducing your up-front costs to cover only the highest-impact elements. Our goal is to get your new site to your visitors quickly so that we can collect reaction data and begin to continuously improve.

With GDD, we start with a launchpad site. This is a next-level version of your site that is better and newer than what you have, but we launch with the launch critical elements and all of the highest-impact upgrades we can identify.

After the launch, we begin continuous improvement cycles where we’ll roll out improvements in batches so we can test the results and identify what works and improve as we go, using data from your own web visitors to know what is best.

What if your website could get you better and better results over time and adjust to how your customers react to it?

How Does Growth-Driven Design Work?

We Focus on 3 Core Principals

Minimize Risk

By launching quicker and reducing up-front costs, GDD reduces risks and lets us focus on the real-world impact of the changes and develop data we can learn from and react to.

Continuous Improvement

Constant research, testing, and analysis of visitor reactions show us what is working and what is not. Through continuously improving, we can dial in your site for optimal performance.

Inform Sales& Marketing

Working with your sales and marketing team we can analyze insights to improve marketing efforts both on the site and off.

3 Stages of Implementation

1) Strategy

First, we analyze existing data to find opportunities for improvements. Then we’ll do extensive competitive research to learn how competitors may be outdoing your efforts. Then we’ll add our own ideas in and come up with a design strategy to not only improve the looks of your site, but also the functionality (user experience) and visibility (traffic).

2) Launchpad Site

Next, we’ll decide which strategies are critical for launch and launch your site with a shiny new look and all the basics. We want to purposefully launch with the essentials so we can start gathering data quickly and make decisions based on the data that comes back.

3) Continuous Improvement

Here’s where the science comes in. By rolling out improvements individually and gathering data from visitor reactions, we can learn and improve based on audience reactions.

Traditional Vs Growth-Driven Design

Traditional Design

  • Higher up-front costs
  • Launch slower
  • Higher risk of scope creep & late delivery
  • No guarantee of performance increase at launch
  • Usually no major updates for 3+ years
  • Design work based on assumptions

Growth-Driven Design

  • Design work is based on data
  • Lower up-front costs
  • Launch faster
  • No Higher risk of scope creep or late delivery
  • Data-driven decisions ensure higher performance over time
  • Constantly updated for continuous improvement
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